Contributions to printing costs
The work to be funded by the Malvinen Foundation through contributions to printing costs must be of high academic quality and relevance and must not yet have been published at the time of application. The Foundation's Board of Directors will have the quality checked by experts. The approval of an application to the Malvinen Foundation for funding through contributions to printing costs is generally only possible after public funding opportunities have been exhausted.

The funding application must be accompanied by
- a brief presentation of the scientific project, its objectives and methods;
- a cost breakdown including the necessary publisher's calculations (offers from at least two publishers);
- Evidence as to which other public or private bodies have been applied to for funding for printing costs and the outcome (including any reasons for rejection).
- In the case of printing cost subsidies, 1 copy (manuscript) of the work in bound form or as pdf
- Existing expert opinions, grades, etc.
Contributions to printing costs for the publication of edited volumes are only possible if the volume is sufficiently homogeneous and all contributions are of high quality. In addition to the requirements specified for monographs, the application must be accompanied by statements on the publishability of the individual contributions or the overall project. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to obtain its own expert opinions. If the Board of Trustees deems individual contributions not worthy of publication, a grant can only be awarded if these contributions are not published in the collective publication. Funding by the Malvinas Foundation must be mentioned in the publication. After printing, two free specimen copies must be submitted to the Foundation.
Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil. Martin Hummel
+43 316 380 - 2501
Institut für Romanistik
nach Vereinbarung