About the Malvinen Foundation

In a last will and testament from 1917, the Graz linguist Hugo Schuchardt set up a foundation named the "Malvinen Foundation" in memory of his mother, which was to serve a charitable purpose, namely "a charitable purpose associated with the promotion of scientific studies". He entrusted the administration of the foundation to the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Graz, which accepted the foundation after his death and undertook to fulfill the founder's wishes. At its meeting on March 8, 1929, the faculty adopted the statutes of the Malvinen Foundation, which were approved by the supervisory authority on May 2, 1929. The Styrian provincial government recognized the legal personality of the "Professor Dr. Hugo Schuchardt'sche Malvinenstiftung" in a "letter of intent" dated 18 November 1929. The foundation is administered by a foundation board, which includes the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, the professors of the Department of Romance Studies and the Director of the Botanical Garden of the University of Graz as voting members. The Chairman of the Foundation is currently Martin Hummel, who is a professor at the Department of Romance Studies.